import math
from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Union
from evol.helpers.utils import sliding_window
from evol.problems.problem import Problem
[docs]class MagicSanta(Problem):
def __init__(self, city_coordinates, home_coordinate, gift_weight=None, sleigh_weight=1):
This problem is based on this kaggle competition:
:param city_coordinates: List of tuples containing city coordinates.
:param home_coordinate: Tuple containing coordinate of home base.
:param gift_weight: Vector of weights per gift associated with cities.
:param sleigh_weight: Weight of the sleight.
self.coordinates = city_coordinates
self.home_coordinate = home_coordinate
self.gift_weight = gift_weight
if gift_weight is None:
self.gift_weight = [1 for _ in city_coordinates]
self.sleigh_weight = sleigh_weight
[docs] @staticmethod
def distance(coord_a, coord_b):
return math.sqrt(sum([(z[0] - z[1]) ** 2 for z in zip(coord_a, coord_b)]))
[docs] def check_solution(self, solution: List[List[int]]):
Check if the solution for the problem is valid.
:param solution: List of lists containing integers representing visited cities.
:return: None, unless errors are raised.
set_visited = set(chain.from_iterable(solution))
set_problem = set(range(len(self.coordinates)))
if set_visited != set_problem:
missing = set_problem.difference(set_visited)
extra = set_visited.difference(set_problem)
raise ValueError(f"Not all cities are visited! Missing: {missing} Extra: {extra}")
city_counter = Counter(chain.from_iterable(solution))
if max(city_counter.values()) > 1:
double_cities = {key for key, value in city_counter.items() if value > 1}
raise ValueError(f"Multiple occurrences found for cities: {double_cities}")
[docs] def eval_function(self, solution: List[List[int]]) -> Union[float, int]:
Calculates the cost of the current solution for the TSP problem.
:param solution: List of integers which refer to cities.
cost = 0
for route in solution:
total_route_weight = sum([self.gift_weight[t] for t in route]) + self.sleigh_weight
distance = self.distance(self.home_coordinate, self.coordinates[route[0]])
cost += distance * total_route_weight
for t1, t2 in sliding_window(route):
total_route_weight -= self.gift_weight[t1]
city1 = self.coordinates[t1]
city2 = self.coordinates[t2]
cost += self.distance(city1, city2) * total_route_weight
last_leg_distance = self.distance(self.coordinates[route[-1]], self.home_coordinate)
cost += self.sleigh_weight * last_leg_distance
return cost